6 Seaview Newsagency

Moffat Beach 2011 photo Wayne Reid

Moffat Beach Store courtesy Gary O'Donnell built 1948

A man and his van cannot be parted, Caloundra Weekly Jan 26 2006 p6

association with Mick O'Donnell

Mr John Arthur in front of Moffat Post Office Store in early 1960s courtesy Peg Leisegang

Friday 5th October, 1951



On Thursday. 20th September,



Being a life-long friend of the

late J. Hamilton Park, whose

death notice appeared in your

paper, I am sure many of your

readers would like to know a

little more of the life of the de

ceased. He was a product of

those two fine schools, the old

Normal and Brisbane Grammar.

Leaving, he was articled to the

late F. D. G. Stanley, the then

leading architect in Brisbane,

paying £100 premium and serv

ing for three ? years without pay.

He later joined his father, who

was a leading city builder. After

some years the land 'bug' caught

him and with his brother, Jim,

now of Caloundra, was one of

the pioneers of Dulong, five miles

from Nambour. That property is

still held by them. They decided

to see South Africa. Father and

J.H.P. started building and Jim

became resident secretary of the

Westminster Estate and private

secretary to the Duke when he

visited Africa. After four years

overseas, the deceased returned

to Dulong; his brother returned

three years later. Both went to

the 'West and started sheep and

wool growing. Then they sold out

after 28 years, retired and took

up residence at Caloundra. At

one time the deceased practised

his profession at Thursday Island,

Cairns and Townsyille. At Cal

oundra he kept his pencil busy,

and at 84 years of age designed

and carried out many buildings

at Moffat Beach, including six

houses and the fine store there.

He also drew plans and super

vised the building of the North

Coast life savers' home.. Almost

all his work was to a friend

from a friend and was a labour

of love. Since the deceased lost

his wife some 15 years ago, I

think, he had been looked after

?wholly by his brother. They were

life-long partners and real cob

bers, who never lent, one to the

other, but always gave — a truly

wonderful pair. He was also a

life governor of the N.C. life


Sourced by Meredith Walker from the Trove website