Chronological Images 1920s & earlier
Photo from close to the Bora Ring in 2018
1818 Macquarie Lighthouse stamp - Australia's oldest lighthouse
1854 Cape Moreton Lighthouse drawings - Queenslands oldest lighthouse
Cape Moreton Lighthouse, courtesy John Ibbotson
Moreton Bay northern entrances surveyed by E A Cullen, nautical surveyor, 1891. is chart is from the les of the Queensland Department of Harbours and Rivers. e Caloundra lighthouse, the leading lights on Bribie Island, and the shipping track along the northwest channel, have been noted on the chart. (Queensland State Archives item 631308) courtesy Peter Marquis-Kyle. Cullen's signature is on the 1896 drawings of the Lighthouse for Caloundra Head
Detail from the chart above. The additional notes have been added post 1896. Shows the location of the Bribie lights and north west channel
The original Lighthouse Reserve on Wickham Point - subsequently Robert Bulcock donated some of his land instead.
courtesy Trove 1896
1895-03 Brisbane Courier Tuesday detail 10 March 1896 courtesy Trove
1896 Drawing - Lighthouse for Caloundra Head courtesy AMSA from the 1996 Conservation Study
1896-04 Brisbane Courier Wednesday 8 April 1896 p 3 Preliminary Notice to Mariners courtesy Trove
Detail of the 1896 Chance Brothers fourth order lens. Shows the 250mm radius lens, three wick Trinity burner with the fuel being parrafin (English name for kerosene) also the condensing prisims to intensify specific sectors. Courtesy Ian Clifford, Lighthouses of Australia
Bribie Front Lighthouse drawing detail courtesy Landsborough Museum. The lantern at Caloundra is similar
Bribie lighthouses
Chance Brothers made optics for lighthouses all over the world including Caloundra - Note the Coonowrin shaped kiln
1896-09 Queensland Gov Gazette v66 Notice to Mariners courtesy Peter Marquis-Kyle
Bulcocks Tower Lighthouse & cottage courtesy Dave Slawson undated (Illlidge pics)
Some early photos of Caloundra courtesy Dave Slawson. Dave is a decendant of T Illidge, a police magistrate from Caloundra around the turn of the 19th century. They include the lighthouse and Bulcock's watch tower, the school, the Dicky, and Bulcock's house "The Homestead"
Courtesy Sunshine Coast Libraries
1902 Courtesy Erica Riis
1900c Bribie Backck Light and cottage courtesy Landsborough Museum
The cannery operated on Bribie till 1908
1909 courtesy Trove Intensifying Caloundra Light
1910s maybe showing Bulcock's observation tower, the old lighthouse, signal mast and keeper's cottage courtesy Lyndon O'Grady AMSA
1911 grounding of the SS Eastern on Bribie Island
Pre 1922 as the post & rail fence still exists - photo from north of Maltman St South courtesy John Groves. Maybe the fashions could assist dating.
1912 Nambour Chronical
1912 Brewis Report
1913 survey shows Bulcocks watchtower courtesy Dr Brian Sinclair
1912 from Chance Brothers Catalogue, 2nd & 4th Order Lenses with occulting mechanism as recommended by Brewis.
Caloundra is 4th Order
It is believed that the recommended occulting device was not installed
1917 Bulcock Estate subdivision from Facebook, but maybe State Archives
1918 Stan Tutt, By Many Campfires, Caboolture Historical Society. glass plate negative showing crack
1920s photos Courtesy Sunshine Coast Libraries
1920s Association with Vance Palmer, noted Australian author
1927 Plan courtesy Dr Brian Sinclair
1927 Valhalla the Keeper's house courtesy Ian Gunn & Sunshine Coast Libraries
1935 from Queen St looking south from Dr Brian Sinclair