27 Verney "Wahroonga"
Example of post WW2 house with inter war styling in Kings Beach. Association with Pattemore family built 1946
photos Roger Todd 2013
27 Verney St. The house behind must be Linga Longa, Emily Bulcock's home
On 01/10/2013, at 2:02 PM, Del Pattemore wrote:
Hi there Roger,
Thanks for taking our photos up at the lighthouses the other day, all good. Went digging for a photo of 27 Verney Street, and this one was taken in April, 1962. Ian's dad used to always keep in in good repair as per photo, so glad he can't see it in its present condition.
Bye, Ian and Del Pattemore
Hi Roger,
That house in the background belonged to a Mrs. Verney. Not sure about the Fort - there used to be a lot of air raid shelters up the back on that hill. Ian tried to get more details from his brother but he is away at the moment, so will try again when he gets back. The name of the house is 'Wahroonga' - aboriginal for 'My/Our Home' but not sure which.
Regards, Del
On 09/10/2013, at 8:11 AM, Del Pattemore wrote:
Hi there again Roger,
Re that 'fort' on the hill behind 27 Verney Street, Ian's brother said it used to be a radar station and the Council later used it to store equipment once it was disused as a radar station and the sail taken away. Hope that helps in some way.
Regards, Ian and Del
world war two